[compost_tea] Using my own compost, not a good option ? ?

From: Mike Bosko <mjbosko_at_jmtsystems.com>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 16:31:47 -0700

Well, I just read through the faq at http://www.intlctc.org/faq2.htm and I
found it to be an enthusiasm buster. It reads to me that without buying a
high quality brewer, using someone else's 'high quality' compost, it's a
waste of time, or harmful to my plants and potentially my family (human
pathogens / root nematodes)??

Being that it appears that most of our home-created composts are mediocre at
best, I feel it important for encouraging more interest in tea brewing, to
spend more time explaining how folks can create higher quality composts. I
didn't see any of that on the site.

Its too early for all of this to become so industrialized. Reading that
site, it seemed as if it were somewhat written by tea brewer manufacturers
to promote brewers. I think its great if you have a brewer that does a
great job - those that want to spend the money can do so. But, I'm still
feeling that if we don't buy one of these brewers, and use better compost
than we make ourselves, we might as well go back to chemical fertilizers.

Well, here's to hoping I don't get flamed for these comments - but I think
its an important note to express, otherwise we're nothing but 'tree hugging
salmon savers' to the outside world - and unfortunately, no body listens to
those types anymore. They're considered just an annoyance, a loophole to
get over. I'd rather see teas break into the Ag and garden world in a way
that people listen to, can see and don't figure for marketing hype.

Ok, swing away, I've ducked behind my yet untested nor tried homemade
brewing barrel.


Received on Thu May 08 2003 - 20:27:21 EDT

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