RE: [compost_tea] Re: Chlorinated water

From: Tom Jaszewski <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 17:43:06 -0700


The $1200 DEchlorinating filter insures tea and makeup water are chlorine
free, an important part of commercial tea production. 2 million gallons at
0.0006 cents a gallon is a viable solution.

We have continued to test the conditions here over the past 4 years. We
collect water in a grid pattern used to measure the distribution uniformity
of the irrigation systems. Random samples from fine spray patterns (Toro 870
series and Rainbird 1800’s at ½-1 GPM on 10-15 foot patterns) captured in
collection cups spaced every 10 feet continue to show high levels of
chlorine. It seems with sustainable practices the chlorine does not hamper
micorrhyzae and the soil food web is improving. I can’t help but wonder if
there wouldn’t be even better results by irrigating with chorine free water.
All tea concentrations are applied chlorine free.

At home I have always used a 16/1 proportioner with chlorinated tap water.
The results have been good and even great. Perhaps the short contact time, a
matter of seconds, is not sufficient to affect the biology seriously.
Arboriculture standards require contact time in excess of 90 seconds to
insure disinfection of soil tools. I just don’t believe dissipation of
chlorine is necessarily “apparent”.

More testing is needed. It would seem to be good science for a tea brewer to
test their brew water.

BTW my tomatoes and vegetables seem (no science) far healthier this year
without chlorinated water.

Tom Jaszewski

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lowenfels []
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: Chlorinated water

<<<At the levels found in our water(2PPM), there is no dissapation of
chlorine using a lawn sprinkler>>

Well, if you are promoting and selling 1200 dollar(!!!) chlorinators and
your competition turns out to be a simple 10 dollar lawn sprinkler, you
might think that! :)


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