Re: [compost_tea] Pumps and Aerob-a-jet

From: Thomas Giannou <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 14:21:53 -0700

Hi Laura,

I have been trying to purchase the venturi, but no cigar so far. In connec=
tion with that I would like to know what kind of water pump design works be=
st for compost tea so as not to kill off the fungi and bacteria?

--Thomas Giannou

  ----- Original Message -----
  Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 2:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Pumps and Aerob-a-jet

  OK if I recall Elaine's response said that perhaps having too much air in
  suspension could oxidize the microbes. I believe she quoted the Goldilock=
  principle again :-)) not enough air , anerobic too much air oxided.

  Of course someone could buy one and test it.

  Thomas have you tried out the venturi that makes the micro bubbles ?

Received on Mon May 12 2003 - 18:57:44 EDT

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