[compost_tea] Pumps and Aerob-a-jet

From: J Peter Young <peter_at_bennettvalleyvineyards.com>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 07:19:24 -0700

Tom posted something here a while back that I thought would provoke some
discussion but it didn't - so I'll try to kick start it. He extolled the
virtues of the Aerob-a-jet as a superior way to get O2 into CT. Someone
else pointed out that the CFM (0.22) was way too low based on numbers we
have been working with. Tom says because of the way the the bubbles are
introduced it's more than enough O2. Anyone got a comment on this.
The Aerob-a-jet may be expensive, but if Tom is right, an equivalent air
pump is even more expensive.
Peter Young
Trying to build a 250 gallon CT brewer

Received on Mon May 12 2003 - 11:50:48 EDT

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