RE: [compost_tea] Re: seaweeds

From: Jeff Young <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 15:56:15 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks, Paulette.
I never realized that kelp was so low in protein and so high in carbs (makes sense of course). Good thing fungi haven't heard of the Atkins diet!

George and Paulette Mouchet <geomouchet_at_QNET.COM> wrote:
Here's a link:


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Young []
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: seaweeds

This must definitely be Elaine's influence on me...

Has anyone actually seen a trace mineral assay on kelp? I had to have one
done on our fish hydrolysate and I would love to compare the two. It was
very difficult to find a lab that was able to do the work.

Jeff Young

allisonhornor <> wrote:
Hi all...more on kelp and seaweeds

I think kelp and seaweed contain a lot of mucilage, which is exactly
what it sounds like, kind of snotty stuff (sometimes I get a little
grossed out when I prepare seaweed for definately needs
to be rinsed!). Plant roots secrete the same kind of stuff and it is
a great polysaccharaide resource for bacteria in the rhizosphere. I
bet the guys in your tea would absolutely love it.

Take care,

--- In, Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_y...> wrote:
> Yeah Jeff, My thoughts: Jeff is nominated to do a scientific wag
test and report. Is anyone else equally qualified? What are the
contnets of seaweed and kelp? Ocean minerals and ____ ? Bob
> Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_g...> wrote:
> Seaweeds: Anyone done testing on varieties other than the North
Atlantic Kelp? For example, I made a great Japanese salad the other
day and used Arame seaweed. I soaked it, as per directions, and then
thought about the soaking liquid.....any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Jeff L
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