Re: [compost_tea] CT in winter & Compost

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 09:27:07 +1000

I've just prepared another brew and wonder what is going to happen to the m=
icrobes when they hit the cold leaves and cold ground when it is sprayed ou=
t. Night temps are down to 50 F and 60 F during the days just now. Aren't t=
hey going to get a big shock and perish after enjoying a warm environment?=

Other thoughts/queries I have: The compost heap is very cold - are there e=
xactly the same microbes in a cold winter heap as in a warm summer heap? If=
 they are different, then shouldn't the CT brew made with this compost be l=
eft unheated?
My finished compost heap is now becoming invaded by 1000's of worms and the=
re is no longer any visible fungi. Should a finished compost pile be bagged=
 up and taken inside so the worms don't get in?

An observation I made yesterday when I scooped out the compost for this lat=
est CT brew - I always return the bags of compost and lucerne hay from the =
previous CT back to the compost heap. This time both are full of worms. The=
y must be enjoying a feast of microbes still present.

Scott Alexander

Received on Sun Jun 01 2003 - 00:56:24 EDT

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