[compost_tea] Q's: Applying Compost Tea

From: kevin john richardon <kmagic_at_backpacker.com>
Date: 2 Jun 2003 05:55:29 -0000

TRUE THAT!, "the" question is how much H2O does it take to wash in the bugs? I know there are a couple pros out there with an opinion at least!?

Steve, she a gorgeous shade of deep green called moss. One may be mezmorized by the way the hues change due to a pearl additive when they watch her pass thru a brilliant ray of sunlight. Pretty. Almost as cool as TEA!

My current figures stand at a dilution of 1:9 so that 400 gal. of dilution will apply 40 gal. strait bang'n TEA to 10,000 sq.ft. area (which may be considered approximate to a quarter acre) at touch less than 1/64 water column.

At a rate of 20 GPM, <Man, would I like to know what that looked like, I havent found a cheap enuff flow meter available in town yet to test that kind of volume with yet; enuff to water in the buggers?, or conversely am I just so niave that I don't realize that is more than enuff - too much! Time will tell?> that same area will be done in 20 min., walking at a rate of 5 feet per 3 seconds spraying a 5 foot swath. So an acre will be done in 1hr. 20min., might take about an hour and a half if I stop occassionaly. <If some one has reccomendations for spray guns that shoot this kind of volume, muchos gracias>

Going bigger, like 30 GPM would be cool; I think I figured an acre would take 45 minutes (or an hour with breaks for sight seeing); but my Warren Rupp diaphram pump will only push a max of 23 GPM.

I am compiling a data set which, if I ever become confident in its accuracy, I will make an opportunity to share as an attachment. Stay tuned?!

I also will post my final design for critique before our local outfit helps me put it together. My latest inclination is to trailer the sucker;

*1000 gal. dilution tank
*200 gal. strait tea tank
*a wicked gasoline engine driven air compressor combined with the fore mentioned true diaphram pump. This system allows seperate pressure and flow manipulation as opposed to piston driven diaphrams; which I am sure work well for those who use them, probably because they know more about what they are doing and how they apply TEA!(I have been led to believe piston driven diaphrams control flow by using the engine idle to dial it in, which in the configuration is directly related to your pressure, which, as our friend Jason pointed out, are inverse properties). As I am unsure as to how I may want all the pieces to work together, and whether situations vary, ie: tree spraying, turf spraying, veggies... I want to retain the power of flexibility.
*400 feet of 3/4 inch hose (for those long narrow parcels)
*hose reel for 200 feet of the hose? the rest I may not use often?

If I do not use a trailer, I will be restricted to my payload which greatly reduces water capacity ( which may not be a big deal, I just don't know).

I figure bring tea with me and having the largest dilution tank possible is the most efficient means of laying down tea (as opposed to running back and forth for tea and/or small ammounts of H2O). I am thinking I will reverse the lines and pump water out of lakes and streams to refill my tanks. Legal? Questionable?

So this is where this kid stands as of now in the Land of the Midnite Sun. I welcome your input. Thank you for your consideration and time.


Kevin John Richardson
Local Solutions
19025 Villages Scenic Pkwy
Anc, AK 99516
907 317 8455

On Fri, 30 May 2003 23:14:35 -0500 Steve Bridges <kimas_at_texasgrown.com> wrote:

Good questions Kevin,,,,sounds like a ton or 30 would be needed to do what<BR>
your suggesting. Some questions/observations (ok, more questions that<BR>
It would be good to put the tea out when it is raining or the dew is heavy.<BR>
How many gallons of water in in dew? You do the figuring!<BR>
If this is an irrigated area, and the water is treated with chlorine, does<BR>
the chlorine effect the microbes your laying down (Jeff you say that<BR>
chlorine 'disappears' when sprayed,,,,proof?)?<BR>
For a soil drench, how much water does one need to wash the micro-rich tea<BR>
down into the soil (your basic question)?<BR>
BTW,&nbsp; nice truck, what color? Oh, and impressive math work there too.....<BR>
Steve Bridges<BR>
----- Original Message -----<BR>
From: &quot;kevin john richardon&quot; &lt;kmagic_at_backpacker.com&gt;<BR>
To: &lt;compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com&gt;<BR>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:27 AM<BR>
Subject: Re:[compost_tea] Q's: Applying Compost Tea<BR>
&gt; Howdy Pards,<BR>
&gt; I am slightly embarrassed (but not really, cause I make mistakes a lot) to<BR>
have been eronious with data in my firstever letter to yall.<BR>
&gt; The real numbers are (I asked a farmer; they know their stuff):<BR>
&gt; 1 Acre inch = 27,154 gallons<BR>
&gt; 1/8 Acre inch = 3400 gallons = .07805 / 1 sq. ft.<BR>
&gt; it seems impracticle to equip myself to bring this volume of water with<BR>
me.&nbsp; I think this volume would be extremely challenging for me to spray in a<BR>
reasonable legnth of time to remain economically viable.<BR>
&gt; My target application rate is 1 Acre per Hour.<BR>
&gt; 1/32 Acre inch = 850 gal = .01951 gal / 1 sq.ft.<BR>
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 14.16 gpm flow (1 Hr)<BR>
&gt; 1/64 Acre inch = 425 gal = .00975 gal / 1 sq.ft.<BR>
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 7.083 gpm flow (1Hr)<BR>
&gt; Application approximate to these ratios of volume to area seem more<BR>
practicle.&nbsp; I believe I can configure to achieve a flow that fits my<BR>
arbitrary yet critical criterion of time.<BR>
&gt; Among the questions are:<BR>
&gt; Does application of compost tea at a ration of this volume of water<BR>
support the water requirements of the microbes?&nbsp; Will the application result<BR>
in desired effects?&nbsp; Is the volume great enough to be considered a root<BR>
drench?&nbsp; Would supplemental watering be necessary, immediately?<BR>
&gt; Or is there equipment available (configurations) capable of putting down<BR>
more water (gpm) during application?<BR>
&gt; Specifications to consider:<BR>
&gt; *It has been suggested to me that a diaphram pump has the gentlest, least<BR>
violent action on the microbes.<BR>
&gt; *The Brewing manual suggests 100 psi up to 600 psi is acceptable to<BR>
transport microbes, yet microbes should contact surfaces at no more than<BR>
20 - 80 psi.<BR>
&gt; *Gallons Per Minute Flow<BR>
&gt; *Total water Volume per Acre<BR>
&gt; I am attempting to configure a Compost Tea Spraying Truck (truck specs:<BR>
2001 Chevy 2500 HD Duramax Diesel (454 cu.in., 6.0 turbo), Alison 5 speed<BR>
Transmission, 6.5 ft. box, 3200lbs. payload; 12000 lbs. tow capacity) with<BR>
Hand operated wand-type spraying as well as boom operated spraying<BR>
&gt; Seems like a trailer may need to be considered to enter system<BR>
configurations to meet water demands.<BR>
&gt; I would also like to explore possibilities of incorporating a<BR>
proportionate pump.<BR>
&gt; Thank you for your time and consideration, everyone.<BR>
&gt; Best Regards,<BR>
&gt; Kevin John Richardson<BR>
&gt; Local Solutions<BR>
&gt; (907) 317 8455<BR>
&gt; kmagic_at_backpacker.com<BR>
&gt; On 28 May 2003 01:00:44 -0000 kevin john richardon &lt;kmagic_at_backpacker.com&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;tt&gt;<BR>
&gt; Hello All,<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; I am about to apply compost tea for clients and have specific questions<BR>
about the application of compost tea, to which specific answers would be<BR>
greatly appreciated.&amp;nbsp; My contact information is included at the end of<BR>
this transmission; if anyone would like, I would welcome an opportunity to<BR>
discuss on the telephone or via e-mail outside of the group setting.&amp;nbsp;<BR>
Although this format suggests the sharing of info so we can all benefit, I<BR>
do not want to hamper the group with my legnthy deliberations.&amp;nbsp; So, at<BR>
your descretion, does anyone have any facts about the following:<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; * When applying compost tea to turf in a root drench application, 15 Gal.<BR>
per acre is the suggested ratio.&amp;nbsp; Is this adequate or does the amount<BR>
of tea need to be increased to account for aspects of the processes of<BR>
transfering the tea between containers with pumps, applying... The tea has<BR>
tested with great numbers yet, I am considering doubling, tripling,<BR>
quadrupaling this ratio to garuntee desired ranges are maintained not to<BR>
mention expectations are met and customers are satified..&amp;nbsp;<BR>
Necessary?&amp;nbsp; I know once I get started, testing my product at the<BR>
spraying nozzle at the end of the day will produce an answer, but I am<BR>
attempting to be as thorough in my planning as possible.<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;*******this part is wrong!!!!!!!!_at_#$%^&amp;**************<BR>
&gt; * When applying compost tea to turf (root drench), how much water should<BR>
be used in order to apply?&amp;nbsp; I am figuring 2 Gal. per 1000 square feet<BR>
(sq.').&amp;nbsp; This is like spraying a 1/32 inch (&amp;quot;) water column on a<BR>
flat surface.&amp;nbsp; Is this enough water in a root drench application to<BR>
turf?&amp;nbsp; Bob Norsen suggests that turf is not flat, so the surfaces of<BR>
the grass blades may need to be accounted for, because the surfaces will<BR>
account for a subtraction from that water column volume.&amp;nbsp; 4 Gal. per<BR>
1000 sq.' = 1/16&amp;quot; water column, 6 Gal. = 1/8&amp;quot;, etc...<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;*Sorry for conveying false info!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?<BR>
&gt; * Anyone have experience configuring a spray truck?&amp;nbsp; Lots of<BR>
variables.&amp;nbsp; Sounded like fun to begin with, Now it is becoming some<BR>
what distressing, kinda feel like I am drowning (pun intended) in<BR>
specifications &amp;amp; #s.&amp;nbsp; Helpful advice, pitfalls to avoid, &amp;quot;If I<BR>
had it to do all over again&amp;quot;... much appreciated.&amp;nbsp; Info on systems<BR>
ready to buy, or parts such as pumps, compressors, liquid volume tanks,<BR>
aeration, transformers vs. gas engines vs. PTO (by the way I will be using a<BR>
2001 Chevy 2500 HD Duramax Diesel, Allison Tranny with a 6.5' box in the<BR>
back, payload 3200 Lbs.)<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; * I have been told not to brew tea with Chlorinated water; how about<BR>
diluting with it?&amp;nbsp; I don't know if I have got time to wait around for<BR>
Chlorinated water to &amp;quot;de-gas&amp;quot;.&amp;nbsp; The options seem to be:<BR>
dilute with chlorinated H2O, Buy a dechlorinization unit ( anyone know about<BR>
this?), run back and forth between jobs for water from my well or haul water<BR>
around with me.<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Thanks yall, I am being booted from the computer lab!&amp;nbsp; Ile be in<BR>
touch; please&amp;nbsp; be gracious with your knowledge<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Regards,<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Kevin John Richardson<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Local Solutions, Anc, AK<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Kevin John Richardson<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; 19025 Villages Scenic Pkwy<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; Anchorage, AK 99516<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; (907) 317-8455<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; kmagic_at_backpacker.com&lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
&gt; &lt;BR&gt;<BR>
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Kevin John Richardson
Local Solutions
19025 Villages Scenic Pkwy
Anchorage, AK 99516
(907) 522 0679 Land
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