[compost_tea] Sprayer Update!

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 09:30:31 -0800

I spent the weekend testing a new nozzle on a Hudson "concrete" sprayer and=
 want to report fantastic results.

The nozzle is the TKSS-15. It sprays out a large 12 inch swath and does not=
 clog up at all. Fantastic.You have to pump a bit more because it releases =
quite a bit of tea in the spray...which you want...but it didn't clog once =
and I was using Alaska Humus, undecanted.

You can get this nozzle at www.rittenhouse.ca or sales_at_rittenhouse.ca . We=
ndy Rittenhouse did the research and I think it is always good to support o=
ur own!



Received on Mon Jun 16 2003 - 13:59:39 EDT

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