[compost_tea] names for CT and AACT another bigger problem.

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 14:27:09 -0700 (PDT)

Whether we call it CT, AACT, Soil Juice or Magic Microbes ( M&M ) it will have to be explained and described and differentiated from every other form of stuff on the market or of interest to gardeners. .
We have spent 10 years ( 20 Elaine? ) describing CT. It will go on forever. Whatever we do the USDA will do whatever it does and will think like the dinosaur it is. Better we work toward retaining the free don to develop and use CT and make sure the term refers to the product that is Aerobically Brewed Compost TEA ( ABCT ) Tea seems a logical description. Brew seems to be how it is made even if not hot. Compost is an essential source. Aeration is an essential descriptive condition of the brew.
The anaerobic methods of making TEA, " Poop in a bag for a week in a bucket" has been around for 5,000 years and has never amounted to a dam. For good reason.
Aerobic TEA has been around a since a while after Elaine finished school. Aerobic TEA has already overwhelmed the obsolete concept of agricultural tea.
Should we pursue what we have already established?
CT. And further establish, claim the name?
There is a vital battle looming in two fields we need to be aware of.
As Organic methods, products and systems begin to make significant inroads in agriculture market for chemicals we can expect the be moths of that field to do what they will to retain the market. A good example of what we may face is happening in another field that affects each of us.
In human health there is some freedom of individual choice of supporting one's health with supplements that are being discovered and pr oven in a world wide arena. Some are from ancient experience, some from current research. Some prove wonderful. Some prove useless. The market experience combines with sophisticated research to determine what will remain available.
But this market has grown enough to alarm the deep pockets of the pharmaceutical industry that must patent, test and prove via the FDA over a 10+ year half billion dollar cycle every product before you can have it. Current discoveries you can;t have via the
Now the giant pharmaceuticals companies of the world are arranging with European legislation to introduce restrictions via the UN to limit what supplements we can have to a UN codex. A codex the US has signed to.
What has been discovered so vital to preventing health problems by natural food supplements will have to go thru the pharmaceutical route. Discoveries this year can by yours 10 years from now at prices you can't afford. If you still need good health by that time.
Example. We underline diversity in our study of microbes in the soil. Vitamin E has many forms and is effective when present in those many forms. E is proven in-effective when limited to Alpha trocapheral. But under this international regulation Alpha is the only form allowed. Other forms might be available as proscription drugs at much higher cost. You would hear about it on TV, like the purple pill ( poison if taken over a protracted period) Under this set of rules Australians were recently denied 1300 supplements that health food stores had offered. 80% of their stock is suddenly pulled from the shelves. Under this order that appears to originate from the pharmaceutical giants, the public is advised to avoid supplements. The health food supplement source will likely disappear. Is this freedom of choice? Or does government know best what is good for you?
Very interesting complete article at www.iahf.com
also www.iahf.com/anh_lawsuit.htmi. and
Another at www.alliance-natural-health.org
Members of lef will find an article on the subject page 56 of July LEF. This will be of special interest to folks in Australia and New Zealand right now.
What does this have to do with Compost TEA? How many $ in the right places will make CT illegal for Organic producers? How many months after CT application can produce be marketed? You have seen these rumors. What does money do to political regulations?
We have often discovered free don is not free. Not automatic. A helluva lot of good press to get the public very well informed about subjects like these may help our government agencies write the right rules. You can be sure there will be rules. Getting our information into the government agencies that write the rules may help. Getting the right people elected may help. We are outnumbered. All the world's gardeners and farmers together will not be outnumbered only if they are fully informed and actively supporting the soil food web concept, know the facts, implant the urgency of the concept in the political morass.

Received on Sun Jun 22 2003 - 20:45:33 EDT

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