RE: [compost_tea] Sodium Hypochlorite

From: Tom Jaszewski <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 18:05:47 -0700

I'm no chemist but a web search explained it this way,

Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOcCl) is a pale greenish liquid also known as soda
bleach or liquid bleach. It is prepared by reacting dilute caustic soda
solution with liquid or gaseous chlorine accompanied by cooling.

Bleach is produced by reacting chlorine
<> into a dilute sodium
hydroxide solution. This solution is also known as "Eau de Labarraque", and
"Eau de Javel".

We test for total AND active chlorine.

Chlorine compounds MUST be removed for quality AACT.

A good pool test kit will test for chlorine.

Tom Jaszewski

-----Original Message-----
From: George and Paulette Mouchet [mailto:geomouchet_at_QNET.COM]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 5:24 PM
To: ''
Subject: [compost_tea] Sodium Hypochlorite

Hi all. I need help with chemistry again.

60 percent of our water is treated with 12 percent sodium hypochlorite
40 percent of our water is treated with chlorine
Our water tends to be a bit alkaline

1) What happens to the sodium hypochlorite when it's added to water? I'm
interested in the chemical equasion -- the byproducts of the breakdown of

1b) Can there be unreacted sodium hypochlorite in the water that comes out
of my tap?

2) What is the effect of our water (with the above amounts of sodium
hypochlorite) on soil and soil biology?

3) What is the effect of our water on AACT production?

4) What test can I do to check for unreacted sodium hypochlorite and NaOCl

Many thanks in advance for your help!

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Received on Fri Jun 27 2003 - 02:05:49 EDT

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