[compost_tea] Re: Soaked Tea

From: jery_morgan <jery_morgan_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 19:30:34 -0000

also keep in mind if something like e-coli happens on a organic farm
all those folk that are growing organic will not be able to sell
their crops. It will give organic a bad name. thats all we need
for organic growing to have e-coli tied to it. most all e-coli i
hear about is not =from organic farms - still let it happen one time
and all all our work will go for not. Anything we can do to keep
our crops safe should be done. after all organic to me means safe
and i hope we can keep it that way.

--- In compost_tea_at_yahoogroups.com, Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_y...>
> Scenario, Kirk, E-coli did take a life and a liver of a kid here
in Wa. They traced it to ground beef. More recently strawberries
were found the source of E-Coli. Dirty irrigation ditch water you
say. So water can contaminate crops with E-coli. Manure in ditch
water didn't make a target. Do you doubt that compost TEA would
make a target? I didn't claim in my "potential scenario" that CT
on lettuce had ever infected anyone. Elaine's tests show clearly
that manure compost is likely to retain some E-Coli unless it is
expertly processed. Are you expecting expertise and care from each
of thousands of composters? Then Elaine showed evidence that
under anaerobic conditions that E-Coli is very likely to be
transmitted to the tea. From the same research she showed that,
even when compost that was known to carry E-Coli was used as a base
for an aerobic tea process, In MANY TESTS NO E-Coli came thru the
> The scenario I depicted as possible at a pot-luck is a possibility
I am not willing to risk. But none of us are in this compost tea
development alone. If you, Kirk, produce a tea with E-coli and it
turns into a disaster it will affect you AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS
of course it will affect many others and our lovely planet if any -
even one tea maker loses once, in that form of Russian Roulette.
If one such incident or anything like it occurs how long do you
think it will take the USDA or one of its; agencies to print
regulations that would assure Monsanto a clear field. The
government agency that can devastate this program dam near came to
the conclusion once. If we allow hazardous tea types to be made
and used and fail to make a clear distinction between that and safe
liquids then this business deserves the regulation that will destroy
the potent value we know it has.
> Am I steamed? Dam right. I'm watching a highly valuable free
ranging wonderfully researched supplements industry be targeted for
destructive regulation because the industry as a group did allow
some profit hungry idiots to pedal stuff that is disastrous to the
unwitting user. A defect in the way supplements are managed opened
the door to regulators. Pharma benefits. The world's people lose.
> One disaster traced to Any Form Of Compost TEA. - - - USDA and
Monsanto will reduce CT to what is once was. Essentially unknown.
I think Elaine deserves and I want better than that. What is so
difficult about making Aerobic TEA that we need to tolerate a less
effective, hazardous product to continue as an alternate using the
same name and claiming similar merit. Are we that lazy or is it
stupid? Must we see 9-11 size proof to act on what science
describes is probable? Bob

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Received on Wed Jul 02 2003 - 18:37:14 EDT

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