Re: [compost_tea] Backpack Sprayer Comments for Novice Applicator

From: Kirk Waterstripe <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 05:29:44 -0700 (PDT)

I just bought an RL Flomaster 4-gal pump-as-you-go backpack sprayer from one of those giant home "improvement" stores (sorry). The local garden stores didn't carry any serious sprayers. I like it just fine, but I'm brewing 5 gal at a time, and spraying 1-2 yards or gardens. The sprayer came with mist and fan nozzles. So far I've been working out the bugs for a tea-based lawn care service, and expect to have things in place for next year. Business development with one's own meager capital.
Since I'm new to the group, I'll tell you all that I'm in northern Michigan, having jsut moved back from Oregon an working for Soil Foodweb Inc. for 3.5 years.
Kirk E. Waterstripe
Midwest Soil Health Services
(Kirk Leonard - How are we going to identify ourselves? Shall I be Kirk W.?)
chriscreid <> wrote:
I am just getting started and would appreciate any comments or
advice people may have on backpack sprayers they have used and liked
or disliked, and why.

I am about to buy one for spraying tea, and I would welcome the
chance to benefit from your experience.

If the backpack is rated at lower than 80 pounds, then is a
regulator an important feature? Do you see any difference in how
easy they are to clean, or how easy to replace parts?

Do they all take standard sized nozzles, or are there various sizes
(meaning the threads, not the nozzle opening)?


Chris Reid

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Received on Sun Jul 13 2003 - 11:00:19 EDT

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