Re: [compost_tea] Active Bacteria Biomass

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 10:11:33 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Russ that is a good report! A good amount of both total and active. Both B and F
Be proud and keep brewing. I suggest you read what Paul Sachs did to increase the numbers in his work. Details are in his data table as well as on his SFI reports.
Briefly Paul added the usual starting load of nutrients. Not an over load, Then later in the cycle - it seems to me, after the first growth spurt had occured, Paul added another light load of nutrients about 2 to 3 hours before taking the sample. After hearing Elaine yesterday I think if we watched the O2 level, it will take a dive about the time the first microbe growth is greatest. When that valley has past and O2 is back up that is when I'm guessing the second nurtient load. O2 will dip and rise. Add nutirents again. When the third dip has occured and O2 is back up that is the point to take the sample and use the TEA. Will there be other ways? I'm sure of that. Maybe an automatic feed cycle that eliminates the deep dip but adds food over the period of the brew. Sorta like we used to feed the chickens???
Just ACT, Bob
How is NZ doing with the "HARMONIZATION" and CODEX problem? I understand NZ faught off the
Dingoes and you are guarding your alternative medical freedom against the FDA/ Pharma.
                                               See www.IAHF,com
russell_snodgrass <> wrote:
I have just started brewing my own AACT here in New Zealand, we had
the last two brews tested at SFI(New Zealand), the total bacterial
biomass came back very high, but the active bacteria biomass came
back low, if anyone can help me better understand why the active is
low while the total is high, it will be much appreciated!
Here are the figures.

Sample 1

Food- 0.17% blackstrap mollases
      300ml humic acid
      1 pound of seaweed powder
      24 hour brew cycle 1300 litre brew
      lowest temp 16.5 celcius

Sample 2

Food- 1.35% blackstrap mollases
      750ml humic acid
      5 pounds of seaweed powder
      24 hour brew cycle 1300 litre brew
      lowest temp 18 celcius, out side temp 5 celcius
Sample two would go into the minus on the oxygen meter within minutes
of taking a sample out of the brewer, so there had to be a lot of
activity happening i would of thought, (sample 1 took 20 minutes),
both samples were tested 7 to 8 hours after the brewing had stopped.
Are the bacteria going to sleep befor we test them?
If there is a high total bacteria biomass were they all once active
in the tea at some stage through the brew cycle?

Thanks Russell

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Received on Sun Jul 13 2003 - 14:28:40 EDT

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