Re: [compost_tea] Backpack Sprayer Comments for Novice Applicator

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 10:50:02 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Chris - I like your attitude. And your approach to business. If your customer base finds out about your attitude your business will do very well. do you have a way for customers to discover you? Word of mouth will certainly help. But don;t be so considerate of others you starve yourself. Making enough money IS important.
Planning a business around making enough money to prevail is part of the other important business you so well described. Not a big new truck. A modest sized well selected used truck with the right paint can do as well at a tenth the cost. A back pac? Will it USE enough TEA well enough to do what T EA is expected to do for you and your custmers? The proceeds of one added customer a day - possible because you have the right equipment- will pay for your truck, a brewer ( in the truck) and the pump and the hose real and the spray gun. The right tools are not as mportant as are you and your attitude. But the right tools will make possible what you strive to do and give you a chance to make an income that will allow you to manage your business and your life. I admire your attitude, Chris, All the best to you, Bob
chris reid <> wrote:

Received on Sun Jul 13 2003 - 14:28:40 EDT

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