RE: [compost_tea] NOP whose side are they on?

From: George and Paulette Mouchet <geomouchet_at_QNET.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 18:48:15 -0700

My goodness. A Texan who isn't gun-ho Bush?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bridges []
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] NOP whose side are they on?

<Consumers Union believes that Congress must stop entertaining requests from
special interests to cash in on the USDA Organic label and that the USDA
must become a strict steward of how the label is used. Consumers want and
need an organic label they can trust.>

Unfortunately, this hoped for trust of the consumer is going to be further
sullied and discombobulated by our government that is already 95% special
interest. Our government of "of, by, and for the people" is now "of, by,
and for the corporation". We've gone from the World's Great Hope to a
corporate democracy and I don't hold out hope of this changing anytime soon.
See the World Trade Organization for what direction this country, and the
world, is headed.

Does that mean that I don't think that the USA is the greatest country in
the world? No. I do. But we are losing ground fast to the kind of corporate
demeanor that this article describes, both here and around the world.

Does that mean that I'm giving up? Nope. I'm still working for taking back
our country from the scoundrels that claim to be doing their corporate deeds
'for the good of mankind' (see Monsanto). As are many people in this
country. It is the faith shown by so many clear-thinking, alternative news
seeking, activist focused, I-Don't-Believe-What-They-Tell-Me-On-TV people
that keep me from disappearing into the woods! The people on this list can
be counted in this group!

Do we continue to keep lopping off the branches of this problem or do we go
to the root? Until the people take back their own government by DEMANDING,
in the STRONGEST SENSE of that word, campaign finance reform laws, then we
will continue to be the beggars and not the people of this union that our
founders envisioned.

And yeah, Tom, it makes me asked!

So which character from the Wizard of OZ does Gov. Bush most represent?
Maybe his needs match all of them? Yeah....Governor is still the last title
he earned.....he is not our elected President! (I may have to explain that
to our local Homeland Security Militia....)

wooooo,,,,,,that felt good!
Steve Bridges
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