Re: [compost_tea] Molasses Danger Zone

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 21:40:44 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mike - how cheap do you want get? Roughly $0.0002 (Thats for the electric power during the test ) You start with a VERY empty plasic bag. about the size of a kichen trash bag. New, all sealed as it came is best but this won't hurt your nice bag. Turn on the pump. CApture ALL the air in the bag. Don't let even a phart out. Time this exactly for 1 minute. Now you have the air output at 0 back pressure for one minute. Keep the bag sealed
Put the bag in an empty box that will hold the bag easily. press the bag to fll the box to a flevel flat top surface. Now measur that cubic content. Using a metric scale get the cc per minute. I use an inch scale to get the cubic inches per minute. Using most of the math I remember and a caculator I can find the CFM. Range went from 37% to 178% of rating on various pumps I tested. .Want the volum at 36" depth? EAsy Just do the same thing 36" under water. Please tell me how THAT worked!! Mike at 2 + - cfm for the BobO i have to be some careful of the load I put in. If I want to go to a heavy load to get high nmbers I will use a secondary aerator to double the air input. Air is cheaper than CT.
However Mike CFM required is related to the nutrients, the water temp, the amount of compost and how sexy the microbes. If they are all panting in this orgy they use lots of air. I think the water volume may be of less if any importance. Is my brewer more efficient? Or are my bugs lazy? Heg ache tonite dear ?

Mike Benton <> wrote:
Hi Scott Using a diffuser set up with only 2cfm will properly be
insufficient to maintain aerobic conditions. I try to use between one and
two tomes the volume of air to water. The 1200lt unit has 135m3 per hourWaite MIKE, are you saying 2 x the vol. of H2O per HOUR ??
available at 1.2 m depth. That is just over two m3 a min.Bob's units seem to
be more efficient in their use of numbers.OH yes,DONT believe the output
quoted by the manufacters.If anyone can tell me how I can cheaply measure
the output of high volume air blowers then I would be able to start checking
but at the moment I don't have a clue.
Mike Benton
Compost Technologies <> mobile 0823345371

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