RE: [compost_tea] Re: Molasses Danger Zone

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 22:09:20 -0700 (PDT)

YEAH JUDI !! Kirk when you say something in engineering you gotta say it so it says just one ONE thing. CAN'T be misinterpeted, is clear at a glance, uses the least possible words Now that I've got 12.5 gallons of molasses on my lawn how can I get the dog loose so he can get a bath?

Judi Stewart <> wrote:
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I am now totally confused.


Let's see if I can use a practical molasses example using a 250-gallon brewer.


.1% = 1 quart molasses

.3% = 3 quarts molasses

.5% = 5 quarts molasses

5% = 12.5 gallons molasses


These additions of molasses are fine to use.


1% = 2.5 gallons molasses.


This is detrimental. Correct?


I think this has just become somewhat complicated.


Before I switch to organic rice syrup J I’d like to know

more precisely what I’d be accomplishing with my tea

at these concentrations.







-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk Leonard []
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:28 PM
To: Compost Tea Group
Subject: [compost_tea] Re: Molasses Danger Zone, NOP, Microbrewers


Russell, Judi et al -- I need to correct myself again (...ya, more ways

than one, I'm sure...) On molasses levels: Durn brain moved a decimal

point... point 1 to point 5 percent - .1%-.5% molasses - should be ok

according to Kirk W and Doc E (2003). Problem is at 1%, no point. Full 5%



But Doc, I have to wonder about 1.7%, 2-3-4%? There appears to be some kind

of biological flipping point happening here. Where? What if the compost is

mostly bacterial? What was B/F of the composts tested? I'm not worried

about ecoli, actually, being comfortable that some exposure supports natural

resistance. B/F ratios seem more important.


And my suggesting the upper bound of bacterial life in Russell's tea seems

absurd... more likely there was some osmotic effect on the bacteria, but at

..17% molasses? To my knowledge, CT has yet to come close to the upper bound

of bacterial life. I could be wrong about that. Different measures and

orders of magnitude differences confuse me. It is fascinating to see live

bacteria below live fungi, though... is this the ultimate fungal tea?



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Received on Wed Jul 16 2003 - 02:09:57 EDT

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