Re: [compost_tea] ACT /Cereals

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 01:40:34 -0700 (PDT)

You have the economics in mind, Bill. Sounds like you are doing a practical and organic way to grow. Spot use of weed control is not the same as spraying the country side from helicopers. But if that land will ever recover from the trees being cut and the manure bieng burned it will be by ACT. What little manure and trash wood and weeds and grass and waste parts of food crops can make enough compost to do some good. If they knew how to use it. Nutrients? Maybe what they use now, Human waste. Put thru some form of brewer would multiply the stuff needed in that soil to grow the plants to regain economic vitality. No I can't see it happening as long as we waste the worlds energy fighting over the unkown - and worse. But ACT is the best answer I can think of for that problem of sterile acres buring under the sun. If we had a visionary that said instead of " a man on the moon in this decade" we found a leader of equal magnitude who proclaimed discovering EARTH as the go
 al It
 could be at least as exciting!! But I suppose the contract would go to Monsanto %$#*&_at_ Bob
Halstead <> wrote:
Obviously I should NOT have named it an organic garden. Yes I use Rup. mainly around my 50 fruit trees. I spot spray and in the last two years may have used 1/2 lt. The dead material disappears so I presume that something has turned it into organic matter Worms survive. No other product other than AACT is used.
What is the alterative? Rotavating between the trees regularly and thus break up the soil structure and lose moisture? I could and have planted clover but we see no rain from May to October with temps in the 34C-40C, the clover dies and the grass that grew with it takes over, at my age I do not feel like hoeing it out!!
By the way I am non commercial . As far as I know I am the only AACT brewer in the country.Grow the most expensive fruit, keep fit and healthy and we give excess produce to the local Old Peoples Home.
Facts.NO digging mentioned. Loosens the ground to that depth in one pass! RUp good ? better of the two evils of wind erosion,climatic change factor,erosion by water and general degradation.
In cereals we are talking of feeding local people ,plus export if possible,WITHOUT government subsidies and cheap fuel in E. Europe, Africa,Russia, Australia and perhaps S.America at the same time preserving the soil.Do you have any evidence that Rup or others effect worms,and all the bacteria,fungi the soil.?
What am I suggesting. AACT is great but we are not just keeping the lawns green of over paid entertainers and those CEO and their senior staff that condone devious accounting practices.We are talking of preserving millions of acres of land which at this moment is best served by Min. Cultivation. I have great expectations of AACT but it is generations away from being used on a large scale.
At least Min. preserving the land for the future generations to use AACT on it if possible whereas lots of over populated places have no chance of sustainabley feeding themselves as all the trees have been cut down and animal manure burned for cooking. AACT will NOT be available to help these people, min.cultivaton is.Carry on the good work but realise that there are millions of acres to care about and fix your thoughts on this as well as the local garden.
Bill H.

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Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 11:39:09 EDT

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