[compost_tea] ACT /Cereals

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 07:54:43 +0100

Obviously I should NOT have named it an organic garden. Yes I use Rup. main=
ly around my 50 fruit trees. I spot spray and in the last two years may hav=
e used 1/2 lt. The dead material disappears so I presume that something has=
 turned it into organic matter Worms survive. No other product other than A=
ACT is used.
What is the alterative? Rotavating between the trees regularly and thus bre=
ak up the soil structure and lose moisture? I could and have planted clover=
 but we see no rain from May to October with temps in the 34C-40C, the clov=
er dies and the grass that grew with it takes over, at my age I do not feel=
 like hoeing it out!!
By the way I am non commercial . As far as I know I am the only AACT brewer=
 in the country.Grow the most expensive fruit, keep fit and healthy and we =
give excess produce to the local Old Peoples Home.

Facts.NO digging mentioned. Loosens the ground to that depth in one pass! R=
Up good ? better of the two evils of wind erosion,climatic change factor,er=
osion by water and general degradation.
In cereals we are talking of feeding local people ,plus export if possible,=
WITHOUT government subsidies and cheap fuel in E. Europe, Africa,Russia, Au=
stralia and perhaps S.America at the same time preserving the soil.Do you h=
ave any evidence that Rup or others effect worms,and all the bacteria,fungi=
 etc.in the soil.?
What am I suggesting. AACT is great but we are not just keeping the lawns =
green of over paid entertainers and those CEO and their senior staff that c=
ondone devious accounting practices.We are talking of preserving millions o=
f acres of land which at this moment is best served by Min. Cultivation. I =
have great expectations of AACT but it is generations away from being used =
on a large scale.
At least Min. Cult.is preserving the land for the future generations to use=
 AACT on it if possible whereas lots of over populated places have no chanc=
e of sustainabley feeding themselves as all the trees have been cut down an=
d animal manure burned for cooking. AACT will NOT be available to help thes=
e people, min.cultivaton is.Carry on the good work but realise that there =
are millions of acres to care about and fix your thoughts on this as well a=
s the local garden.
Bill H.

Received on Tue Jul 22 2003 - 11:39:03 EDT

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