Re: [compost_tea] Pressure & critters

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 16:33:27 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Merla Two subjects no three.- 4
1 Missed you for weeks. Hiding from me?
2 Jeff put a link on the List a few days ago that talked about Rup. Very important link. Did you go there? It found Rup in the soil headed for our water, not being destroyed by anything and doing heavy harm. If you didn't go there and you need to. Need help finding it let me know. I found the link so interesting I spent half an hour and want to go back.
3. I have a calander from Nature Conservancy with a picture of wild flowers gowing on the high Mahvey Desertl. BEAUTIFUL. A collection like that along your road would make it a traffic problem. Tourists!!
4 Herb could collect the seed and furnish it to roadsides all over the dry hot world. Rich, you could ,,,,, but how could you enjoy anything more than what you are doing? Bob

Merla Barberie <> wrote:
Hi folks,

    On the subject of having optimum conditions for the critters in the
spraying process, what effect does 40-50 lbs of pressure in the system
have on them? Would vegetables fare better from the application of AACT

as a drench without the sprayhead and the pressure--than as a foliar
feed with it? We use up CT v ery fast that way and it takes several
applications to cover everything. When we spray it, the pressure makes
it go a lot farther, but are the critters injured? What exactly does
pressure in the system do to them?



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Received on Sat Jul 26 2003 - 00:37:30 EDT

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