Re: [compost_tea] Reply Doc. E.

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 16:15:31 -0700 (PDT)

Has anyone suggested ACT CONTROLS weeds? More a matter of setting up soil conditions that encourge your crops and discourages the weeds that thrive in certain unbalanced soil conditons. Jeff referred us to research that showed Rup to have serious bad effects on subteranian water and those who drank or lived in the water, years after extensive use.of Rup. Are weeds that important? Do weeds offer roots for microbes to feed on /at? if weed seeds are cut before they mature is that an option at near the same cost? With whirly weed cutters it would seem that cutting weeds might be as fast as spraying. As I remember thistle my suggestions are not useful. Do those plants ever die if not re-seeded? Can crops like oats out grow thistle enough to avoid the thistle being a probem to the product crop?

rlbct <> wrote:Bill H: Could it be that you are sowing weed seeds with your oats?
It seems to me that if you have
(1) a no-till practice
(2) years of killing the weeds before they seed
then where are the weeds coming from???
Perhaps doing a thorough job of cleaning the oats before sowing would reduce
the problem considerably?

You might wish to continue using R.up in spite of the fact that it has
long-term negative environmental effects. However, there are very many
organic farmers who must have solved the problem, and in dry climates. I
also would be interested in how they do it.
And, I am interested in really how much ACT can prevent weeds. I have my
doubts (but I haven't started using ACT either).come on guys get into the ACT Bob
----- Original Message -----

I have difficulty in imagining ACT controlling unwanted plants. Which can be
a volunteer plant from the previous crop, It cannot be an exact science and
so one will always be experimenting which is 'not on' on a large scale.
Without rain for three & half months I have weeds germinating in an area
that was oats cut for hay, there is no way that ACT could be effectively
applied now so how are the weeds to be controlled before they seed?. I do
not wish to cultivate and cause dust and loose moisture . What is the
alternative ?The weeds did not germinate at the same time as the oats but
after they were cut.
Had hoped that some of your 'Os' wheat farmers may have commented about
the use of a knock down herbicide in their cultivation programs.

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Received on Sat Aug 02 2003 - 00:44:04 EDT

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