Re: [compost_tea] Re: no-till farming

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 21:23:45 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Dennis - what you need is a BobOLator GRIN! Sorry Jeff, We ARE writting about ACT. I read that article again today at the office. It said up to 20 x more efficient and it was in a paper called ACRES. I will try to send you the exact source tomorrow from my office.

I can imagine how your farm is driving you microbes with all that going on. Can ACT fix all that? Maybe improve on it a little at a time until ( we hope ) it gets much better. Bob.
dkemnitz2000 <> wrote:
Hello, Bob of "I read it so many times I can't remember it now",

--- In, Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_y...> wrote:
> Somewhere on the web I read of research that reported foliar
fertilizer was 8 to 12 times more efficient that soil - root

what is foliar fertilizer? ACT with additives? Or is it ACT diluted
ten-fold? I'm guessing it depends.Dennis

> If you use Dr E's example of 5% of the normal fertiizers are
required when compost and ACT are used then multiply that by say 6
time the efficiency just math says foliar would need 1% of the
fertilizers normally suggested by Monsanto etc..
> Please don't plant a 1000 acres based on tha SWAG. But you might
do well to carry on the research yourself, trying to approach thot as
a goal but proving it on small test areas of your larger fields.
Then your report to us - OK ? Bob

Here's the first report: I have approx. 10 Acres of milo which has
too many pigweeds and velvet weeds, and approx 3 A alfalfa with too
much foxtail and wild lettuce, and approx 1A of melons and squash
with too many cucumber beetles, squash bugs, pigweeds and mexican
sandburrs, and around 10 A the milk cow and 2 Year old bull calf are
grazing indigenous plants/weeds (wild oats, wild lettuce and pigweeds)
with some weeds they aren't eating. And I insist on using no
pesticides, herbicides and NPK fertilizers and have been discing
mostly and plowing a little. I'm thinking of using the V-blade on the
hard land the cattle are grazing so I won't mess up the micro and
macro arthropods,worms and centipedes and oxygen concentration cause
I want to plant alfalfa and brome this fall. ACT must be a natural
at this farm, with some "extras" added to set soil foodweb in action.

> dkemnitz2000 <dkemnitz2000_at_y...> wrote:
> --- How about adding micros(nutrients) with foliar ACT if
> and macros by injection? I'm thinking the first year the ACT will
> have to be foliar fed many times. Then I'll need an injector which
> doesn't upset soil foodweb. Dennis
> In, "J Peter Young" <peter_at_b...> wrote:
> > ACT alone contain very, very little nutrients. If you add enough
> make a
> > difference - then it's fertilizer.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Norsen [mailto:bnbrew_at_y...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 10:05 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [compost_tea] no-till farming
> <><><<<><clipped by Dennis<><><><><><><><>

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