Re: [compost_tea] foliar fertilization

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 11:42:20 -0700 (PDT)

Substantial article on the foliar feeding at George Kuepper Dec 2000
Includes references from Dr Ingham - 1999 and many others.

dkemnitz2000 <> wrote:
---Bob, I don't know how much ACT I'll need or can apply for that
matter. Gotta know some of that stuff before going to the banker.
Currently I'm listening and taking notes from Dr. Ingham's CD's, An
introduction to the Soil Foodweb and The Compost Foodweb for the
third time. ACRES, USA is published by Charles Walters,Jr and is the
magazine I first learned of compost tea. Thanks for the information
as I haven't seen the current ACRES. Dennis

In, Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_y...> wrote:
> Hi Dennis - what you need is a BobOLator GRIN! Sorry Jeff, We ARE
writting about ACT. I read that article again today at the office.
It said up to 20 x more efficient and it was in a paper called
ACRES. I will try to send you the exact source tomorrow from my
> I can imagine how your farm is driving you microbes with all that
going on. Can ACT fix all that? Maybe improve on it a little at a
time until ( we hope ) it gets much better. Bob.

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Received on Fri Aug 08 2003 - 18:04:39 EDT

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