Re: [compost_tea] Aerial application costs

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 18:51:12 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Mike, I sent a description of the drawings I am preparing and asked you if drawings of the patterns / jigs to make the brewer would be right for you. If I send drawings of the brewer you have to make the pattern / jigs/ fixtures first. Much faster use drawings of the pattern, then make the patterns first. The brewer appears when you are done following the patterns.
These drawings will include instructions and material list.
Going from English to Metric may change some notes and dimensions. Maybe the "standard sizes of PVC are different there. Please tell me what they are. They might be the same size but described in metric.
We need an agreement that we can both enjoy living with. Your response?
I have a simple form that intends to clearly state a relationship such as the one I think we are intending. I will rough draft it here for your consideration" I think of our arrangement as a franchise agreement. This may be far simpler than any agreement your attorney would use. Please consider this and if you want to work with an attorney that is your choice. Suggest changes as you wish.
Franchise AGREEMENT between
Bob and Donna Norsen doing business as Bob's Brewers operating under Bob and Donna's wholly owned corporation, Norbuk Ltd a Washington USA corporation herein, Bob
Mike Benton __( your company_________________________ Herein Mike

In this agreement Bob agrees to furnish the results of some years of research and experimentation in the form of two designs for COMPOST TEA BREWERS, know and named
Bob's Bitti a brewer rated and tested to brew from 3 to 30 gallons of Aerated Compost TEA at a time ( ACT and ACTEA )
 and Bob's BobOLator, rated and tested to brew fro 30 to 300 gallons of Aerated Compost TEA at a time. The capacity of the brewer depends on the tank furnished and used by the final user of the ACT. Tanks may also be custom furnished by the manufacturer as part of this product line.
Tests proving performance have been documented by Soil Food Web Inc Laboratories

Included in this agreement are future sizes and developments of brewers application systems and related technology some of which may be developed by the franchisee or in collaboration. Monitary adjustments for such development will be by future negotiation.
The purchaser of this franchise, Mike Benton has observed the results of the tests and seen reports of other users and is satisfied that the brewers described are products that he, Mike wants to manufacture, promote and sell in his part of Africa.
In consideration for the right to manufacture and sell, Mike agrees
1) to hold the product and its details confidential except as it is evident to purchasers.
2) to sell at prices reasonable in his area and at profit to his company to the best of his business ability,
3) To manufacture essentially as designed except that changes made in agreement with Bob and that may be incorporated in the future designs where ever produced. That is improvement (s) in design or manufacture will become the right and property of the developing franchisee and shall also become the property of Bob's Brewers. Financial renumeration for such developments may be appropriate and negotiable. And will be made available at some cost to other franchisees
4. Mike specifically agrees that in lieu of a substantial first payment for the right to manufacture and sell, that Bob's Brewers will have an initial and on-going 5% positive interest in Mike Benton's company that is awarded this franchise. This 5% specifically does NOT include any share in debt or other liability existing or that may develop in the future.
5 Mike further agrees to pay Bob's Brewers 5% of the gross sale price of each and every brewer of these designs or future designs and future models that may be developed by Bob or by Bob and Mike in collaboration. The 5% shall be paid in the currency in which the sale is made. Mike agrees to make his books and records open for accounting upon request.
MIKE please consider this agreement and the discussion of the drawings and get back with some responce. "Time's a wastin" Bob
(( This is attached to an old message that I can't seem to delete.?? ))
Mike Benton <> wrote:
Greetings from a cold South Africa.Does anyone out there have any idea of
the cost of spraying from a plane against that of spraying by tractor?I
think that at a certain size it becomes cheaper to use aircraft.This is a
money thing ,the savings to the soil would be obvious but maybe difficult to
afix a value/cost saving to them.I think that for large scale grains then
maybe this is they way to go.I can just hear the little guys going "whee" on
the way down.If the timing is right then fairly strong dilutions could be
used ,taking advantage of existing soil moisture .
All contibutions greatly appreciated.

Mike Benton
Compost Technologies <> mobile 0823345371

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Received on Thu Aug 21 2003 - 23:11:13 EDT

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