Re: [compost_tea] Filtering ACT

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:05:10 -0700 (PDT)

Have you tried using a larger nozzle? Big drops may survive better. Use more ACT, add more water, run faster, filter less of the good stuff out. Bob

alex de mello <> wrote:would like to know how you all filter ACT in such a fashion that it doesn't clot the spraying nozzle... if I filter it with cloth (fine mesh), it takes ages, and if I enlarge the mesh (such as four layers of 50% shadow mesh), it sods the sprayer's filter with mud...
perhaps it is because I'm using finely sieved vermicompost, instead of coarse compost?
insights welcome...

alex de mello

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Received on Fri Aug 22 2003 - 13:41:55 EDT

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