RE: [compost_tea] ACT Test

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 09:12:08 -0700

Hold up just a few steps though. What is the purpose of this test? Is it
to find a better brewer? Or is it to find the better method (eg: Test1:
air, water, air/water pumping, Test2: Container size/shape, etc etc etc)?

I don't think we are looking to find the better brewer this soon, are we? I
think if we get the technology figured out first, it will help to not
exclude a given mfg from business. We're here to help them make better
brewers, not put them out of business by hitting them with bad publicity due
to potentially poor results; I'd rather work with a mfg who is willing to
continually improve their brewers - not one that has the best brewer NOW.
The tech is new, the idea is new - I don't expect anyone to be the best in
this field yet. This way too, the mfg's have a chance to use the
information from the tests to enhance or better improve their brewers. We
all win that way.

It personally think we should be testing for best containers size/shape,
pumping method waaay before testing a given manufacturer. That's my two
cents though. Others?

Following the tests, a round robin discussion would be neat to hear what the
brewers think of the results, what the consumers thought, ways to better
test the next time, and better, for all to discuss ideas for improvement of
the machines, technology, etc.

Thanks for taking this thought seriously folks, its great!



-----Original Message-----
From: Judi Stewart []
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 6:31 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] ACT Test

Jeff, thanks for that good news. Now we have a standard compost.

What are the next steps?

What will be the standard recipe for the size of the machine, temperature,

Should ingredients be determined by SFI?

Should compost amounts be determined by SFI or the manufacturer of the

Which one of you will take the lead and put this shebang together? (I
imagine there
would be e-mails off-list in handling this.)

Who out there is willing to participate in testing? Lurkers are needed and

How many are participating and which brewers are included?

If the brewer manufacturers are not on this list will they be contacted to
join the test?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lowenfels []
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 7:27 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Re: ACT

If SFI does the testing, we will throw in the Alaska Humus as the compost to


Jeff <>

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Received on Sun Aug 31 2003 - 22:24:01 EDT

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