[compost_tea] FYI

From: Judi Stewart <js_at_olympus.net>
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 07:20:18 -0700

..message from a member of the fruit club.
Hi Judi,
I would like to put in an order for 5 gallons of tea. I put some on my
Madonna lilies twice. The first time on the soil and the second time on
the leaves. The Madonna lilies are a family heirloom and are always
plagued by virus. I move them every two years to prevent virus and the
bulbs always show signs. This year (it was 3 years) when I dug them
there was no sign of virus and were so healthy looking. Will put some
tea on the soil where they have been replanted. And I will send a few
bulbs for a door prize.
BobOLator 250g.

Received on Mon Sep 01 2003 - 15:54:39 EDT

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