RE: [compost_tea] Future farming in Northern Thailand

From: Pamela T. Henares <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 21:26:54 +0800

I am using Eudrilus euginae or the African night crawlers.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Loring []
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 4:03 AM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Future farming in Northern Thailand

Pam - What kind of worms are you using? I'm looking for a source of worms =
to start my vermicompost in the lowlands of Thailand.
Dave Sotillo 50

----- Original Message -----
From: Pamela T. Henares <>
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 5:50 AM
Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Future farming in Northern Thailand

Greetings from the Philippines.
I too have a lurker here because we do not access to labs to do the exams f=
or us. However, we have been using vermicompost tea for almost a year now =
and with very good results, albeit qualitative, not quantitative. We are j=
ust using aquarium aerators and we put in molasses, some microorganisms and=
 oatmeal and so far so good.
We have an orgaic farm here in Bacolod City, 5 years now come October. We =
have been using vermicompost all the way, the substrate comes from plant ma=
terial in the farm.
WE would love to have our vermitea examined but unfortunately, we have to h=
old that off for now.
I will be in Bangkok SEpt. 5-10 and if you are there, we may be able to mee=
t or talk.
We started with a chemically loaded farm and it took us about three years t=
o change and now, we are happy that we can see the fruits af our labor.
Let me just thank everyone in the group for sharing your ideas and experien=
ces which have helped us a lot.
Pam Henares
Buro-Buro Springs Vermi Farm

-----Original Message-----
From: louise levesque []
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:59 PM
Subject: [compost_tea] Future farming in Northern Thailand

I've been a lurker of this list for a few months, not
surprised that most of the posts come from USA, but in
the dark about tropical application of the CT concept.
My thai wife and I (from Canada) have bought a 10
hectares garden in Northern Thailand. As of now, it
was always cultivated with lots of «pills«, chemical
fertilizer, insecticides, fungicides etc... I plan to
go organic when we will move there in one year.
So, with that goal in mind, I read everything I can
find so that the change will not be too costly.
Tropical agriculture is unknown to me.
Self-reliance in everything is the ultimate goal,
including vegetables, fruits, meat, electricity etc.
I count on CT to add to mulching, bio-digester sludge,
IMO, neem and lemon grass as fungicides.
I read between the lines of this list since I want to
understand the principles rather than being a client
and buy from United Staters heavy machines and feeders
with no relation with the local conditions of the
tropics and impossible to carry to the other end of
the earth. Tests results are important for those who
want to sell, I suppose, but results in the fields
interest me.
So, for a series of dumb questions :
Where can one go on the net to find technical details
and results on CT?
Are there any results available on tropical sites?
What can we expect if we choose to spray CT in place
of all the «pills» besides a two year transition with
production losses?
I plan to use CT at seeding time (once a week, 2
weeks) and every two weeks after. Will the plants be
better protected from bad fungi and insects with this
What about CT on mulch, and at what thickness of cover
would it become useless?
This is my first time addressing a list and I hope for
indulgence and maybe answers, or at least addresses to
go find them.

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