Re: [compost_tea]

Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 11:52:04 -0400

Seven Springs Farm in Floyd County, Virginia also sells Azomite (www.7sprin= along with a number of other organic supplies.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Judi Stewart
  Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:43 AM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea]

  I've been using Azomite for years in my own fertilizer mixtures and also

  as an anti-caking agent in poultry feed. I believe the bulk of

  Growing Solutions' nutrient mix for compost tea to be Azomite.

  They are also the west coast distributor.

  Azomite Mineral Powder: This powdery mineral supplement, containing montm=
orillonite clay and many other compounds, comes from an ancient seabed. It =
is an excellent source of silica, calcium, magnesium and the gamut of trace=
 minerals. Clay also has detoxifying effects as the negatively charged clay=
 particles attract positively charged pathogens and take them out of the bo=
dy. Technically sold as an anticaking compound and available only in 40-pou=
nd bags, Azomite is incredibly cheap when used as a mineral supplement, cos=
ting less than one dollar per pound delivered. Take a heaping teaspoon mixe=
d with water daily as an insurance of adequate macro- and trace mineral ing=
estion in these days of soil depletion through intensive farming. .from the=
 Western A. Price Foundation





  -----Original Message-----
  From: David Loring []
  Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea]


  Chris - The Active Fungi in my first two teas were3.54 and 2.68ug/ml and =
Total Fungi was 3.73 and 4.95ug/ml. I added the pretreated Greenways mulch =
(used a 20oz.disposable clear plastic food container with a half dozen vent=
 holes drilled in the lid, filling it with the slightly moist mulch product=
 which was recommended by SFI as a mulch with good diversity of materials a=
nd without toxic components, added 2oz. fish hydrolysate and mixed it toget=
her. It was not wet, just moist). I pretreat in a styrofoam egg incubator=
 costing $30 set at 85*F. When I included the pretreated mulch the fungal =
numbers were quite high, Active 37.5 and Total 56.11. The Hyphal Diameter =
went from 2.5 to 3um. I have not been able to consistantly achieve this hi=
gh number and only suggest pretreatment as a way to develop a fungal tea. =
I'm still looking for better ways to get the fungi in vermicompost growing =
faster and think Azomite might be part of the solution as it adds growing s=
urfaces and nutrients.


  Dave Sotillo 50



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