Re: [compost_tea] Flow forms

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 20:48:06 -0700 (PDT)

As a chemist, Mike, Elaine says they measured 0.5 mg O2 per lift in the flow form so a 16 lift - 16 pretty little water falls - each with a little pool. Imagine the surface area exposed compared to the surface area of the bubbles rising from 2.4 CFM. Also consider that part of those bubbles will be under some pressure where they pick up more O2 than at less pressure. Pretty as is the idea of flow forms I think they take up a lot of space, cost a fortune to make, are very hard to clean, would require constant pumping. If a nursery wanted to make a tourist attraction and a sales demonstration it might be worth doing. As an ACT making device, do the numbers. Is 16 or 14 x 0.5 mg O2 going to meet the needs of brewing? I can't see it working or working with an advantage.
Would an air bubble water pump lift the water say 3 feet to give the flow form a start? I think it would. I think the volume of water moved would be rather small.

Mike Benton <> wrote:
Greetings from Sunny South Africa.I dont know what happened to our winter It is starting to get cold here Mike.
but last night I got out from under the duvet to sleep.
But I digress.Two thoughts on flow forms.I recall seeing a sixteen step flow
form on a wagon in ?Hugh Lovell or Peter Proctor's books.Now I see Doc E
giving a credit of about 0.5mg O2 per step or about 8mg in total.They only
ran for 1 hour I think.I wonder why 16 was chosen.Of course I might be wrong
and there were only 14 steps.I will try and find the book.
Bob ,what about one very flat wide flow form circulated with the two inch
lift of a bitti or even smaller diameter tube?
Just my R0.14 worth.

Mike Benton
Compost Technologies mobile 0823345371

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