
Extension info on the Web, Trace Elements

For those of you who have access to world-wide-web service or to nandonet
(the News and Observer thing), they have a connection to a searchable database
which apparently contains all of the NC Extension service pamphlets ever
written. Topic searches for things like diseases of crepe myrtles, plantings
to attract birds, etc. are easily done and give you the full text of the
appropriate pamphlet. Try it out!

Trace elements in the sense of human nutritional requirements are those 
components of our diet present in very small amounts that are important
to our health, but not so critical that we would rapidly develop a disease
if we did not get them in our diet. Magnesium is one example.

By analogy, I imagine that if one grew a plant in water and 10-10-10, it would
not be as healthy as a plant grown in manure tea.  Whatever the extra 
components in manure that contribute to this extra vigor are, they would be
considered trace elements.

That's my $0.02, anyway.

Peter Higgins
