
Re: apple cider vinegear

an38774@anon.penet.fi. wrote:
> In article <4pif3m$d5t@news.netusa1.net>, mmahoney@netusa1.net (Mike
> Mahoney) wrote:
> > Read a few books readily available at most local bookstores on the subject. I
> > was surprised to find three right on the shelf. One no longer in print I
> > believe is called the Vermont Home Remedies book. Deals extensively with apple
> > cider vinegar.
> I think I have the original book.  It was published 35 years ago.
> Amazing!!How about 38 years ago?  Even more amazing?

My parents had a copy of the 1958 original. I recently found a copy of 
the paperback in a thrift store.  Guess its value has held -- I paid the 
same as the cover price -- fifty cents.  

It's an interesting book, and possibly folks around Barre VT could 
comment on Dr. Jarvis and his theories.  He tested a lot of his ideas on 
the local dairy herds -- adding kelp and apple cider vinegar to their 

"Folk Medicine" by D. C. Jarvis, M.D.
Copyright 1958 by D. C. Jarvis
Printing History
First Holt, Rinehart & Winston printing, February 1958
Twentieth printing, April 1960
Sixth Crest printing, February 1962

Robin Brown 
Crone -- Tejana -- Insurgent