
Re: Timothy Leary is a hero!!!

>>> >is so great about this philosphy?
>>> Pure, unadulterated horseshit. Leary believed that LSD was a drug with great
>>> theraputic potential and advocated its use as both a psychiatric tool and a
>>> vehicle for personal introspection
>>but it is the most useless and harmful 'tool' they've tried so far on 
>>the poor manic depressives/schizophrenics they try it on.

>    LSD is generally NOT recommended for use on manic depressives or 
>schizophrenics!  Obviously the original poster of this thread never did 
>much research on Tim Leary or LSD as the claims that Tim Leary's 
>philosophies were solely concerned with psychedelics (maybe you are 
>confusing Leary with Ken Keasy or someone else), and LSD was usually 
>recommended for obsesive compulsive condidtions in most Psychedelic 
>rescearch, and it was generally found that manic depressives and 
>schizophrenics did poorly on such drugs.  In other words, RTFM!

LSD *was* used in the treatment of depression and schizophrenia, but I'm not 
here to quibble about treatments recommended or radical; what bothers me is 
the assertion that this could be more harmful than hydroshock, electroshock, 
insulin shock, lobotomy, or any of the other methods that have been tried. 
