
Re: Timothy Leary is a hero!!!

>LSD *was* used in the treatment of depression and schizophrenia, but I'm not 

    Of course it was used to treat schizophrenia,  and though it 
occasionally produced positive results, on average it made thinks worse. 
 Depression and manic-depression are two rather different types of 
condition.  LSD worked well on the former, poorly on the later; to over 
simplify, LSD improves depressive conditions and makes mania worse.  Of 
course, YMMV.

>here to quibble about treatments recommended or radical; what bothers me is 
>the assertion that this could be more harmful than hydroshock, >electroshock, 
>insulin shock, lobotomy, or any of the other methods that have been >tried. 

   NO ARGUMENT HERE!  Considering much of what has been done in the name 
of psychotherapy, LSD is very safe!

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