
Re: A Supplement for the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Bob.Healy@99.oblique.org (Bob Healy) wrote:

>TO: iank@teleport.com
> > Among the minerals contained in EG is the element Silica
> > which
> > combats aging in the skin, hair and connective tissue. It

>  I was led to understand that Silica is the most abundant mineral in the known
>universe. Beach sand is pure (almost) silica. Even Moon rocks are largely
>What that tells me, is your product contains ground up rocks.

>Ain't science wonderful?

You are very right about Silica. There has been significant reasearch,
however, indicating that Silica is deficient in most americans.

Also, Silica is the most abundant element in our body when we 
are born and is the LEAST abundant when we reach our 60s or 
70s.... Interesting don't you think.

You might want to read an article in the Health Counselor by 
Klaus Kaufmann entitled "Silicon takes its place among the essential 
nutrients"... Vol. 7, No. 4...



Ian Kelley (iank@teleport.com)
ONE Enterprises: supplements for the mind, body and spirit 
PO Box 604  Newport, OR 97365                            
Homepage- http://www.teleport.com/~iank
Voice- 503.265.3075
FAX  - 503.265.8680
