
Feng Shui classes in Orlando & Miami

Hi, my name is Jami Lin, FS practitioner, instructor and author of
Earth Design the Added Dimension (which was just recognized by Lin
Yun, FS master...he gave it a wonderful and apprreciated revivew)

check out my web site: http://www.netrunner.net/~earthdes to learn
more about my credibility and Earth Design....
(Pro Lin Yun's review will be up in a week or so..)

I am teaching a 10 hour intensive FS class in Oralando, FL on Aug 7&8,
and in Miami Sept 6&7.

If anybody is interested, please Email me: earthdes@netrunner.net
and I'm happy to fax you info or send it as an email attachment.

I also was a featured speaker at the International FS conference.

Thanks for your help and allowing me to share the
wonderful gift of FS