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Gardener seeks winter position

To CSA-holders in winter-over zones:

	I'm interested in a finding a position at a CSA for the winter '97
season, so I'd like to correspond with those located in areas where this
is possible, particularly Hawaii. I've been involved in village-based
gardening for 4 years here in the lush Mississippi Valley, so I'm
familiar with water-abundant gardening on a small community scale (20-40
I have working knowledge of all phases of gardening and have the
capacity to guide coworkers. Currently I am one of the main gardeners at
Dreamtime Village and also work at a nearby market-scale flower farm.
The ideal time for me to start a position would be October.

Replies are best met at: emadaite@hotmail.com

Thank you,
Heather Steele
Dreamtime Village website: http://net22.com/dreamtime
QAZINGULAZA: And/Was/Wakest website:
e-mail for DT & And/Was: dtv@mwt.net