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Sunday Thanksgiving Celebration

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, 

We cordially invite you to our special sunday Thanksgiving celebration.  

October 12, 1997  9am - 4pm

at City Park  shelter #6

New Orleans, Louisiana

Bring your own vegetarian food.  The picnic is vegetarian potluck, but
free food and refreshments will be served.  

We are checking around to see if we can find some at least one amateur
guitarist to come and sing.  

This is an effort to find new members for this organization, but other
organization have been invited to attend.  For now this gathering is
limited to 250 people, but we are hoping that this meeting will lead to
better and larger gatherings. 

The theme of the gathering will be  

"The Whole Earth, Health, and Education"

The organization has been initially sponsored by Ooasis, Inc. which
promotes cruelty-free agrarian arts world over for people in urban,
suburban, and rural areas.  

We are a new organization so donations would be apprecitated and would
help in reaching more people with the truth of cruelty-free living.  
A $25 will permit you to set up a table at the gathering as well as one
year membership with our organization.  

$50 will permit one table for your group and 3 years membership with our

$75 will permit one table for your group and 5 years membership. 

$1000 will permit one table and life time membership with our

If you are limited with cash then we will accept trade of services or
other items.   All members are given special all-you-can-eat

Please check our website for more information of what our organization
is trying to do.  

Sincerely yours, 

CJ Flores

PO Box  8693


"The cruelty-free living development center"