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wash station


What have you found to be the most effective and efficient wash station
set-up for post-harvest, pre-distribution cleaning of produce?  Am asking on
behalf of farmer friends in Alaska, Arctic Organics (70 shareholder CSA).
Currently they use a large stainless double chamber sink and two hoses - the
whole set-up is movable and sits in one spot between their house and the
garden until the grass/earth under it needs a rest, then they move it a few
feet.  It's reasonably well-located vis a vis harvesting activity, but they
are seeking to improve the efficiency and functionality of the set-up, and
are eager to know what other folks have found satisfactory.  Two people
spend lots of time with their hands in icy cold water every harvest day.

Anybody have a set-up with a bubbler that they are thrilled by?  Any other
mechanical improvements that have made a difference in this part of your work?  

Set-ups portable or stationary?

Do you, too, have one or two people stationed for washing for the whole of
the harvest, or have you found a way to  reduce the time allocated to this

Please reply with descriptions of what you're doing, what you find
satisfactory and not. 
