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Re[2]: Slug Help

I garden on a lg scale in Winnipeg. I tried beer traps in the swamp years of 
"92" & "93", but that seemed to attract more wasps than slugs to the traps. "94"
was very dry, with next to nil slug damage, so I tried deeper but less frequent 
waterings in "95", "96" & "97" with some success. I also use 20-20-20 instead of
NaCl (I also use that to melt ice in the winter instead of rock salt). It works 
just as good on slug outbreaks as NaCl, but does less damage to the garden...

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Subject: Re: Slug Help
Author:  Matthew Rademacher <mrrademacher@ucdavis.edu> at INTERNET
Date:    10/3/97 12:41 PM

Beer works.  Put in a container that the slugs can access; about the 
height of a tuna can.  Put beer, old beer, unfermented wort, etc., into 
container.  Observe in a week or two and you will see high numbers of 
slugs in the containers.  I was amazed the first time I tried this.


> At 07:08 AM 10/3/97 -0400, SUEHUL@aol.com wrote:
> >I am in need of some advice about slugs.  Especially -- 
> >
> > Do they winter over (in Minnesota)?  
> >Is there anything I can do this fall to reduce my slug population in the 
> >spring?
> >Are there ways to deter them, as opposed to just killing them when they come?
> >How much salting of slugs can I do before it's going to hurt my soil?