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Re: subscription - csa definitions

>Could someone provide me with a definition of subscription agriculture
>as compared to csa?

There doesn't seem to be full consensus on these terms, but I've used (and
heard) them to mean the following:

Subscription generally refers to an arranngemnet whereby the members are not
committed for a full season, but rather for a period of weeks or a month at
a time, and can cancel at any time.  Usually there is less member
involvement in the farm, and there may be no core group.  Subscription
farming seems to be more common on the West Coast.

CSA generally refers to an arrangement in which the members are committed on
a season-long basis.  Often, CSAs have higher levels of member involvement
w/the farm, and there's more likely to be a core group.  This set-up is more
prevalent in the East.

These are not hard-and-fast definitions, but some workable ones that account
for useful distinctions between famrs.

Anyone (everyone) else have thoughts on the subject?

