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Re: subscription - csa definitions

Sarah's response about distinctions between CSA's and subscription agriculture captured what I regard as the main points.  One aspect of the difference in commitment/involvement as I see it would be that in subscription agriculture, the farm manager(s)/operator(s) might tend to function like many small businesses -- analyzing a potential market, trying to provide a mix of products & services that they want, etc., with the management burden mostly on the grower(s).  In a CSA, it seems that members of the core group are more involved in fundamental mangement decisions and responsibilities.   

I would guess that the way each individual operation defines itself would create quite a continuum with regard to that dimension.  I would also guess that no two of us use the terms in precisely the same way.  That just makes it all so much more interesting!

Susan Smalley

At 12:16 PM 10/17/97 -0400, Sarah Milstein wrote:

>>Could someone provide me with a definition of subscription agriculture

>>as compared to csa?


>There doesn't seem to be full consensus on these terms, but I've used (and

>heard) them to mean the following:


>Subscription generally refers to an arranngemnet whereby the members are not

>committed for a full season, but rather for a period of weeks or a month at

>a time, and can cancel at any time.  Usually there is less member

>involvement in the farm, and there may be no core group.  Subscription

>farming seems to be more common on the West Coast.


>CSA generally refers to an arrangement in which the members are committed on

>a season-long basis.  Often, CSAs have higher levels of member involvement

>w/the farm, and there's more likely to be a core group.  This set-up is more

>prevalent in the East.


>These are not hard-and-fast definitions, but some workable ones that account

>for useful distinctions between famrs.


>Anyone (everyone) else have thoughts on the subject?






<paraindent><param>left</param>Susan B. Smalley                        

Professional Development Coordinator    smalley@msue.msu.edu

Michigan State University Extension     517-432-0049 voice

11 Agriculture Hall                     517-432-1048 fax

</paraindent><bigger>      </bigger>East Lansing, MI 48824-1039          
