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NW farm conference


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Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 12:10:09 EDT
From: jody l padgham <jlpadgham@juno.com>
To: michelle@animal.blarg.net
Subject: jlpadgham: Hi

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"Growing Together: exploring a new vision of agriculture and community" 
	A conference for those interested in  organic and sustainable
farming,  November 14-16, 1997 at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon,
WA,  cosponsored by WA Tilth Producers, WSU Co-op Extension and Skagit
Valley College. Over 45 workshops, from farm  business planning and
growing specifics to Land Trusts and  CSA member retention. Keynote
address  by Elizabeth Henderson of Rose Valley Farm in Rose, NY.  Gourmet
meals prepared from regionally produced organic ingredients,  wine
tasting reception and dancing to locally popular world beat band
Rivertalk.  Reasonably priced  and fun, a conference for anyone who farms
or wants to support farmers! 
	For  Registration information, please call   1-800-731-1143 ( reg
deadline Nov 7)
		-Jody Padgham, Olympia,  WA   jlpadgham@juno.com


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