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Relocating my CSA!

Well, I did it this week, listed my beloved Ash Grove Farm with a realtor. 
It's 20 acres five miles from Corning, NY -- if anybody's seriously
interested, e-mail me and I'll slip to you my bottom-line price.  It's much
lower than you would think. 

My rental truck is reserved, my goats' traveling pens are built, and I am
on my way to Puget Sound within two weeks of Closing.  My new project plan
for the new CSA, "Our Farm" on South Whidbey Island, is almost complete.

The primary reason for my move is climate -- going from Zone 4/5 to 6/7. 
Other farmers will respond as I did to the "why move?" question -- Well,

Secondary is availability of off-farm employment in my area of specialty
(technical writing) -- it's also a no-brainer that I'm less likely to
suffer repeated extended spells of non-employment near Seattle than I am
here.  There's nothing wrong with this area, in fact it has many many
special charms, and I seriously believe that it's ripe for an explosion of
CSA and small organic "hobby"-type farming.   $200,000 houses are springing
up around me like mushrooms -- nobody is going to lose money on this

Once more, e-mail me if you're interested.  My past member and contact
lists go with the sale, I'm leaving with fond and warm wishes -- striding
toward something wonderful and new, not running away from anything!

Next installment:  driving cross-country with four goats, four cats, and a
dirty yellow dog.  Found a home for the turkey and the roosters killed the
pet hen I was going to take with me.  The rest of the flock is sold, just
waiting for them to be picked up.

Making progress!

If anybody in my area would like to spend a cozy afternoon helping me pack
and schlep stuff to the auction house next door, I'd be glad to swap
picking my brain for 7 years of CSA and organic gardening wisdom!

Dori Green:  Writer, Farmer, Facilitator
Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living