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Unexpected Wealth of CSA operation

I have just finished the 3rd Season as a CSA. Last summer one of my families
brought me a story their 5 year old daughter Claire had "written." (Claire
dicated and her dad typed) This is a family well versed in fairie tales. I was
honored to be one of the charaters in the story.

The magic hardly just begins with a clapping of hands  before they find
themselves at the farm, where they jump on the backs of great cows and horses
(which I don't actually have) 

"Off for the cornfield! screamed Clare.
They zoomed to the cornfield.
"Cornfield! shouted Clare.
Soon they were among the great golden spikes of corn, eating and picking.
Tatiana and Helen picked the most ripest bits of corn. 

Clare and Alex even gave Richard a strong knife which could cut any strong
weed which was on his farm bothering him. The handle was mother-of-pearl and
the blade was real gold. Richard led them to his farm kitchen and gave them
enough food and vegetables to last the through their whole journey through the
hole. There were grapes and corn and all the kinds of food he grew on his
farm. Clare thanked him and after kissing him good-bye, they gave him many

Then they went on their journey through the hole."

I was honored that the farm was their first stop, and relieved that I did not
accompany them. (I am pretty much a stay at home kinda guy.) Their adventures
run for chapters, and still growing, as reported by their parents.

I doubt that many commercial farmers ever recieved such a magnificent mother-
of-pearl & gold knife, even in their wildest imaginings. I declare it here as
part of a great pile of wealth available to those lucky farmers who grow food
that will be eaten by people they know.