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Apprentice/Intern/Partner Openings

Since I'm staying here, I guess I should let it be known that there will be
1998 openings for apprentices, interns, and partners at Ash Grove Community
Farm and Center for Sustainable Living.

Can start any time.

Organic farming and gardening
CSA development and maintenance
Goat husbandry (Dairy, Pack, Harness)
Poultry husbandry (chicken tractors)
Good two-year college just 5 miles away
Major tourist attractions just 5 miles away

Housing, stipends etc. available depending on experience and the amount of
time a person wants to commit to our little extended intentional community

CSA (of course) membership and summer jobs cooperative participation
encouraged (payment via market garden profit sharing).

Oh yes -- draft horse component also available via neighbors, also computer
(MS Office, HTML Web Design, database development, technical writing)
components possible.

Housing in house ($250 per month for 18x20 private room and whole-house
sharing privileges includes utilities and cable TV -- rooms may be shared
with friends for $50 additional per person) or in tents ($50 per month,
house privileges and refuge during severe weather).  Labor can be applied
to housing value.

Food is $70 per week; labor can be applied to food value.  Meals are

Dori Green:  Writer, Farmer, Facilitator
Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living