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Re: Press Releases

http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
(see small farmer questionnaire - publicise your farm)
london@sunSITE.unc.edu   llondon@bellsouth.net

On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, Dori Green wrote:

> Is everybody here clear about the uses and opportunities available through
> publicity?  The difference between publicity and advertising, and why
> publicity is worth more?
> And getting good publicity through good press releases?
> Has everybody got their monthly press releases for the year prepared, at
> least outlined and scheduled?
Not yet. 
> How about the use of software to help with this stuff -- track and write
> and etc. -- any favorites?
> Any interest in a thread on this topic?  Sharing each other's releases
> (indicate whether other CSAs may use them as templates)?
Yes. I'd be very interested in discussion this a freely exchanging ideas
and resources.
