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Re: Steven McFadden/CSA book (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 17:45:13 -0500
From: Bittersweet Farmstead <farmsted@cfw.com>
To: "Michele Gale-Sinex/CIAS, UW-Madison" <gale-sinex@aae.wisc.edu>
Cc: sanet-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: Re: Steven McFadden/CSA book

Michele Gale-Sinex/CIAS, UW-Madison wrote:
> Howdy, all--

> Does a vast and potentially instructive irony lie in the fact that
> Steve McFadden is doing a CSA book-signing at Barnes & Noble, the
> MegaCorp That Devoured A Zillion Independent Bookstores? Or is this
> my foolish-consistency-hobgoblin hog-tying my tiny mind?  :^)


  I adore your postings on the net. Such logic!
  Having just written and released a new book concerning sustainable
(and local) ag myself, I thought you might be interested in knowing that
we treat the book just like any of our other farm products - we direct
market and cut all the middle men out! Consider the following significa.

 - written by um wah
 - illustrations by um wah
 - designed by um wah
 - marketed by um wah
 - distributed by um wah
 - profits go to . . . um wah!

  By the way, I just shipped a book today to the University of Wisconsin
at Madison "Memorial Library" on State Street. Do I owe you a much
appreciated "Thank You for Your Order?"


Commercial follows:

New Book Announcement

Title: Dynamic Farmers' Marketing: A Guide to Successfully Selling Your
Farmers' Market Products

by Jeff W. Ishee
Softbound, 129 pages
Published by Bittersweet Farmstead 
Published July,1997
Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 11
ISBN: 096568900X
Fed ID# 9422767023
List price: $14.95 + $2.50 shipping (international slightly higher) 

  This new non-fiction work from market gardener and Shenandoah Valley
farm radio broadcaster Jeff Ishee addresses the explosive growth of
public farmers' markets in the United States and how family-scale
farmers can capitalize on this trend. Step-by-step procedures for
vendors, market management and new market organizers.

Initial reviews include:
"Packed with information. My kind of book! It has so much good
information, I think I should make it mandatory each one (of our
vendors) buy a copy." - Lynn Wettach, Market Master, St. Augustine,

" . . . the sort of thing that makes me want to become a farmer. With
this his first book, Jeff Ishee has done a great service to the movement
to reestablish the small family farm as an economically viable way of
life in America. I hope this will not be the last we see of Jeff as an
author. It is excellent." - Robert Green, Editor and Publisher, QYLM and
Provider Books

"A practical and fun to read book on a crucial topic. Anyone who sells
or thinks they may in the future sell farm products needs a copy of
this." - Gwen Roland, Communications Specialist, SARE, University of

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