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CSA Book comments ...and a Sustainable living ethic (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:15:05 -0500
From: REAP <reap@interlink.net>
To: sanet-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: CSA Book comments ...and a Sustainable living ethic

I couldn't agree more with  Michele Gale-Sinex's comments yesterday
about the CSA book signing at Barnes and Noble. It is just a wee bit
hippoish trying to encourage consumers to be more conscious of their
food through the development of an alternative food production and
distribution system and then delivering the message through the biggest
book store that is cleaning up the independents.

Wrapped around all the light lingo of Michel's comments is a pretty
heavy message..a calling for a sustainable living ethic in much the same
spirit as Aldo Leopold called for a Land Ethic. We have to become
conscious of all our actions and not just worry about our particular
field. Otherwise we are falling into the same trap as reductionist
science with the same results...no real progress for society.

So all we "sustaggies" need to take up the call and become individual
Martin Luthers and start walking the talk of a sustainable living

Roger Samson
Executive Director

Box 125,
Ste Anne de Bellevue,
Quebec, H9X 3V9