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start-up CSA in central Maryland

Hello all:

I am new to this group and have a few technical questions to ask and an offer
to make to anyone out there in my area interested in joining a CSA for the
1998 season.  As part of our farms diversified sales approach we are starting
a small CSA for 1998.  Currently we sell most of our certified organic produce
at farmers markets and to area health food stores. The problem comes in
finding people who want to be involved.  We had fliers advertising our plans
at our 1997 markets, in the health food stores and only got 7 interested
individuals.  We then put an add in our local paper but that only got a few
more people.  I am not interested in spending any more money in advertising at
this point and I feel we need about 20 serious inquiries in order to make a go
of it.  Any ideas?  or if anyone is interested in joining our CSA please
contact us and I will send out information.
